Freedoom is always looking to improve. This is a short list of some of the resources that the project may need. If you can help out, please check the forum or Discord links in the sidebar to get in contact!

Level authors

Bugs: Sometimes bugs get reported in Freedoom’s levels. Check out the bug list to see what currently needs fixing.

Bug reports

Freedoom is an ongoing project, and issues may always be found. The preferred place, and the one that will not have reports lost in memory, is the GitHub issue tracker. Information about all kinds of issues is much appreciated, but if you find an issue in the latest release, don’t be so quick to report it! Check the latest and greatest builds to see if the problem still persists there: much of Freedoom may have changed in the interim!


This website is also managed via git. If you have suggestions please either raise issues or pull requests at the GitHub project.

Financial contributions

Freedoom does not accept financial donations nor bug bounties. While such desires to support us this way are appreciated, we do not have a present need for financial assistance with development or hosting.

Spread the word instead! Share your love for Freedoom and encourage others to try it.

Copyright 2001 - by contributors of the Freedoom project. Freedoom and this website is licensed under an open-license. We have an RSS feed that you can follow.